Rush Limbaugh Condemns Idris Elba as the Next Bond Because He's Black

Idris Elba | Photo Credits: Corbis
Idris Elba | Photo Credits: Corbis

Of all the incriminating Sony emails leaked in the hack, the one Rush Limbaugh took the most issue with? The fact that executives suggested Idris Elba as the next James Bond.

During his show this week, Limbaugh brought up the exchange and immediately rejected the idea because the Luther star is black. "James Bond was invented, created by Ian Fleming, a former spy, MI6, and James Bond is a total concept put together by Ian Fleming. He was white and Scottish, period. That is who James Bond is," the host said. "But now Sony is suggesting that the next James Bond should be Idris Elba, a black Briton rather than a white from Scotland. But that's not who James Bond is, and I know it's racist to probably even point this out."

Here's everything we know about the next James Bond movie

Yet he continued, "We had 50 years of white Bonds because Bond is white. Bond was never black. Ian Fleming never created a black Brit to play James Bond. The character was always white. He was always Scottish. He always drank vodka shaken not stirred and all that."

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