‘Outsiders’ Season 2 Preview: It’s All-Out War Between the Farrells

When we left the Farrell clan at the end of Season 1, Big Foster (David Morse) appeared to be dead, G’Win (Gillian Alexy) was assuming the role of the family’s new leader, and Blackburg Sheriff Wade Houghton (Thomas M. Wright) had led his men up Shay Mountain to confront the Farrells, but instead ended up surrounded by them. In a new preview for Season 2 of WGN’s Outsiders, the drama continues, with Houghton having survived that strike of lightning the Farrells summoned up with their cloud dance.

And while Wade is still looking to shut down activity on Shay Mountain, it looks like new Bren’in G’Win may have more pressing problems. “We’re united or we perish,” she tells her kin, but there may be a civil war brewing among the family. Li’l Foster (Ryan Hurst) and Hasil (Kyle Gallner) are interacting with the Blackburgians below, with Li’l Foster appearing to make a jailhouse deal with Wade, and Hasil brawling for bucks.

Related: ‘Outsiders’ Season Finale Postmortem: Showrunner Peter Mattei on Who’s Dead and Who’s in Charge

Hasil’s relationship with Sally-Ann (Christina Jackson) continues, but most likely not without interference from her family and his, while Li’l Foster also confronts G’Win about how badly she wanted the power that comes with being Bren’in.

A twist for which we anxiously await an explanation: Big Foster is seen alive and pointing a gun at someone. So … dream sequence? Flashback? He was never dead? There is some sort of supernatural element on the mountain? Whatever brings Morse back to the fold for the sophomore season, we’re in.

Outsiders Season 2 premieres Jan. 24 at 9 p.m. on WGN America.