Larry David Trapped in a Parking Garage, and It's Not for 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' (Video)

This will have "Curb Your Enthusiasm" fans wishing for a ninth season of the Larry David comedy: the "Curb" star and "Seinfeld" co-creator got trapped in a mall parking garage in a scenario that would make a great "Curb" plot.

The incident was caught on videotape and shown at, as David can't get a parking gate to open while trying to exit a mall parking garage in Santa Monica Sunday.

A woman in the car behind David's left her vehicle and showed him how to properly insert his ticket into the machine to get the gate to open and free the line of cars waiting to leave the facility.

Also read: 'The Three Stooges' Trailer: Larry David and Snooki Get Eye Gouged (Video)

An HBO rep did not immediately respond to a request for comment about a possible ninth season of the Emmy-winning "Curb."

Watch the video of David trapped in the garage here (accompanied, as TMZ suggests, by the "Curb" theme song):

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