John Oliver Warns That Nuclear Annihilation is Just About Inevitable (Video)

John Oliver‘s lesson of the week: The horrifyingly tenuous state of the United States’ arsenal of nuclear weapons.

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The “Last Week Tonight” host has become a crusader of sorts, using his commercial-free, 30-minute platform to address various ills plaguing American society and politics. Already, he has helped crash the FCC's server over net neutrality, berated the owner of the Washington Redskins, crucified Dr. Oz, tackled Hobby Lobby, explained income inequality, took on the racist prison-industrial complex, and now, he's shining a light on the quiet disaster that could end us all.

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Though the end of the Cold War helped quell popular fear of nuclear annihilation, it turns out that America may just be its own worst nuclear enemy. As Oliver points out, a mix of remarkably outdated technology and astonishingly incompetent military personnel are the only things keeping us from total wipeout.

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