Jodi Arias TV Movie Being Reworked After Guilty Verdict

As Jodi Arias' fate changes, so does the fate of her Lifetime movie.

Following Arias' guilty verdict for first degree murder on Wednesday, the script for the movie is being reworked to reflect the verdict, a spokesman for Lifetime told TheWrap.

NBC News has reported that the updated script will highlight some of the key scenes from the trial, subject of relentless coverage on cable news network HLN. Courtroom exchanges between defendant Arias and prosecutor Juan Martinez during cross examination are among elements being added to the updated script.

Also read: Nancy Grace Reacts to Jodi Arias Guilty Verdict

"Lost" actress Tania Raymonde is playing Arias, while Tony Plana, whose credits include "Ugly Betty" and "Desperate Housewives," is playing Martinez.

The film will premiere in June.

Arias was convicted of first degree murder for the death of her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander, at Alexander's Mesa, Ariz., home in 2008. During the trial, jurors were told that Travis was stabbed 29 times, and shot once in the the head. (Jesse Lee Soffer, of Fox's short-lived series "The Mob Doctor," will play Alexander.)

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During the trial, there was no shortage of intimate details about Arias and Alexander's relationship that were revealed. Not that anyone would expect otherwise, but Lifetime and A&E vice president of original movies Arturo Interian promised that the Arias movie wouldn't shy away from the salacious details.

Also read: Lifetime Planning Movie on Jodi Arias Trial

"There was certainly more to the Jodi-Travis relationship than just sex but given the dirty phone calls, the naked pictures, the sexts between them, certainly the media has focused in on their sex lives," Interian said. "They were a young couple and they had kinky sex. I think our director, Jace Alexander, is up to the challenge. It's basic cable so we don't have to be quite so chaste as folks think. So, yes, there will be sex."

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