Ivanka Trump Says 'Obama-vention' With Father 'Never Happened' [Exclusive]

Ivanka Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to refute a New York Daily News report that she and her brothers staged an “Obama-vention” for their famous father to get him to stop bashing the president. Now, the 31-year-old businesswoman and “Celebrity Apprentice” judge tells omg! why the story got under her skin.

“What bothers me are totally fictitious stories that aren’t fact-checked,” Ivanka told omg! Wednesday at a press conference announcing plans for Trump Tower Punta del Este in Uruguay. “I don’t get a call to ask the validity of a source’s tale. And then there is massive pickup throughout the media. So that did bother me. When I saw the story I said: Huh. That never happened. And then I saw it picked up everywhere as fact. You know, these things happen, but it’s obviously without truth or merit.”

The story, which appeared in the New York newspaper last Friday, stated that Ivanka and her brothers Eric and Donald Jr. approached their father in his Manhattan office, prior to the November 6 election, to urge him to zip his lip with his anti-President Obama rants because it was ruining his reputation. The real estate mogul and “Celebrity Apprentice” host, who considered running for office himself, has been outspoken about his dislike of the president and during the election offered to give $5 million to Obama’s favorite charity if the president would produce his college applications and records, as well as his “passport information.” When Obama was reelected, the 66-year-old patriarch called the election “a total sham and a travesty.”

Ivanka broke her silence about the newspaper’s “Obama-vention” story early Wednesday morning when she tweeted: "I totally respect @realDonaldTrump's opinions & right to articulate his views, which is what I would have told @nydailynews if they'd called me to fact check their false story.”

On Monday, her brother Donald Jr. lashed out about the report, tweeting, "This article is nonsense, never happened, but what's news anymore if u can't make it up?"

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