Grimm's Silas Weir Mitchell Previews Monrosalee's Future: Death Threats, a Honeymoon and Little Furry Babies?

Grimm's Silas Weir Mitchell Previews Monrosalee's Future: Death Threats, a Honeymoon and Little Furry Babies?
Grimm's Silas Weir Mitchell Previews Monrosalee's Future: Death Threats, a Honeymoon and Little Furry Babies?

“We had it too easy for too long.”

Grimm‘s Silas Weir Mitchell is fondly recalling Monroe and Rosalee’s Season 3, AKA the lead-up to their Wesen wedding. It’s a measure of how rough life is about to get for the newlyweds — a wolfy Blutbad and a foxy Fuchsbau — that their somewhat fraught path to the altar seems like a cakewalk in comparison.

After all, even the most strenuous parental objections are nothing next to angry, intolerant strangers spewing death threats — all because the pair married outside of their Wesen species and happen to have a Grimm as a best friend.

“The long and short of it is that [intermarriage] is very frowned upon in certain quarters” of the series’ supernatural community, Mitchell tells TVLine.

This Friday’s episode (NBC, 9/8c), as well as the one that follows, finds the happy couple facing some very unhappy sentiments from their peers — “to say the least,” Mitchell says. Read on as the actor previews Monrosalee’s tough honeymoon period (and whether they’ll eventually get their romantic getaway, after all).

TVLINE | Did Monroe and/or Rosalee expect or fear this kind of backlash ahead of time?
Yeah. We talked about it. At least in my mind we talked about it. I don’t remember if there were actual scenes about it.

The show is interesting in that it reflects our world in a very real way. When you’re dealing with an issue and you can use a slightly mythical brush with which to paint the story, you can hit notes that you can’t necessarily hit if you’re doing a show that is utterly placed in the world we live in on a daily basis, if you’re in a law firm or a kitchen or hospital… As there is a subset in our world, there’s a subset in Grimm that finds interracial stuff to be distasteful. They find it to be sort of criminal.

TVLINE | The description for next week’s episode says that the threats heat up.
Yes. There’s violence. I hate giving stuff away but it’s basically the intensity of the hatred really takes off. It becomes ugly. You see the ugliness of how people can be.

TVLINE | Does it put Monroe or Rosalee in danger of losing their lives?
Yes. It gets very serious.

TVLINE | Is there resolution by the end of the arc?
I don’t even know. I mean, there’s a resolution of a sort. I think it could go on for some time. It’s a pretty rich vein. [Laughs] Hatred is a really great narrative tool.

TVLINE | Are those two kids going to get a honeymoon? Is it going to happen?
I’m not going to say anything about it. I’m sorry. I know you want a scoop but I got to leave some it to the fun of not knowing.

TVLINE | And now I’ll bug you with the question everyone bugs newlyweds with: When are you guys going to start a family?
[Laughs] Not right now. Bree [Turner, who plays Rosalee] keeps saying, “Jesus, if they make me get pregnant in the show after I was just pregnant in real life,” she’s going to have a minor breakdown. Just a small aneurysm. Again, I really don’t know.

TVLINE | Is that something you’d like to see happen for the two of them?
I think it would be a great storyline. Again, there’s a lot there. The fans are really invested in our relationship, which is so much fun for an actor, to know that people are really paying attention. I think it would be a really fun storyline, but it’s so beyond my control and out of my hands that I can’t even really speak to it yet.

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