Fox News' Brian Kilmeade Argues Against Political Correctness, Endorses Racial Profiling (Video)

Fox News' anchor Brian Kilmeade was joined by a guest on "Fox & Friends" on Monday morning to discuss how "political correctness" -- and not racially profiling criminal suspects -- is impeding law enforcement's ability to prevent terrorism.

"Political correctness is a poison to our security and defenses," Pete Hegseth, CEO of Concerned Veterans for America, said.

"I don't know that we're equipping our youth to sort of draw distinctions," he continued. "Not necessarily based on faith or race, or anything like that, but based on threat signs."

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But the entire conversation was based on faith and race, specifically Middle Eastern Americans or practitioners of Islam.

"I remember one time we had a Pakistani professor on and he was saying that he never gets upset when he is profiled because he wants to get on a plane and get [off] that plane when it lands as well," Kilmeade chimed in. "He wants to make sure there are no terrorists on board and he knows that Islamic extremists are mostly coming from the Middle East."

"Why can't we go through that model in order to narrow down who the perpetrators might be?" Kilmeade asked.

Tying the conversation back into last week's bombings at the Boston Marathon, Hegseth questioned why authorities weren't monitoring mosques in the New England city "that have been producing radical ideology" and have become "the epicenters of this type of activity."

Also read: Boston Bombings: FBI Identifies 2 Suspects, Releases Images and Video

"Shame on us if we don't now, again, learn our lesson," Hegseth said. "This isn't about discrimination, this isn't about targeting anybody unfairly. This is about A+B=C in so many scenarios, that you're just not doing good law enforcement if you're not narrowing down the scope of who you're looking at in these particular scenarios."

Hegseth's math, however, is a little off. Both bombing suspects, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzokhar, are ethnic Chechens who emigrated to the United States 10 years ago.

His calculation also doesn't explain how to effectively narrow the scrope on other infamous terrorists like Olympic Park Bomber Eric Robert Rudolph, Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh, or Unibomber Ted Kaczynski, not to mention Aurora shooting suspect James Holmes or Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza.

Watch's Hegseth's theory, which Kilmeade appears to agree with:

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