Check Out Bonus Material From 'Longmire' Season 1 DVDs [Exclusive Video]

It's a big week for "Longmire" fans; Season 2 of A&E's crime drama kicked off Monday night, and "The Complete First Season" DVDs hit shelves Tuesday. These DVDs have more to offer than just episodes; they include behind-the-scenes footage and inside scoops from co-creator/executive producer Hunt Baldwin, director/executive producer Christopher Chulack, and more. And we've got exclusive peeks at this bonus material for you now.

In this first look, Baldwin talks about the inner workings of "Longmire" main character Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor): "He is somehow able — in that world where he has all of these distractions — he's able to focus, and listen, and pay attention, and make the connections that, for some reason, the rest of us fail to."

[Related: A&E's 'The Glades,' 'Longmire' Post Solid Ratings in Returns]

Chulack also talks about what makes Longmire so extraordinary: "He sees things in different ways, and he doesn't peel the onion in a conventional way. That's what makes him… an evocative character that you wanna kinda really be involved with."

[Related: Robert Taylor: Arresting as TV Lawman 'Longmire']

To learn more about the stellar camerawork (and why it might remind of you of "Southland"), check out this behind-the-scenes clip that reveals details about filming and why the team makes the choices they do.

"Longmire: The Complete First Season" is available now. "Longmire" airs Mondays at 10 PM on A&E.