Brad Pitt's Mom Pens Anti-Gay Letter

Brad Pitt has not only been a vocal supporter of Barack Obama throughout both of his presidential bids, but also a gay rights advocate. Brad previously claimed he and Angelina Jolie would only marry when everyone was able to, and starred in a staged reading of 8 – a play that used the Prop 8 trial transcripts to demonstrate why the political proposition was immoral.

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But it appears those beliefs have only been formed since Brad, who was raised Southern Baptist, left his parent's Missouri house because his mother, Jane, has written an anti-gay, anti-Obama letter to her local paper after they ran a piece asking voters to reject Mitt Romney because of his Mormon faith. Her letter reads:

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"I have given much thought to Richard Stoecker's letter ("Vote for Mormon against beliefs," June 15). I am also a Christian and differ with the Mormon religion.

But I think any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for a family man with high morals, business experience, who is against abortion, and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality just because he is a Mormon.

Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney's opponent, Barack Hussein Obama — a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright's church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer, and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.

I hope all Christians give their vote prayerful consideration because voting is a sacred privilege and a serious responsibility.

Calls to Pitt's rep have not yet been returned, but Missouri's News-Leader has confirmed the letter was in fact written by Brad's mother.

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