Bones Wedding Post Mortem: EPs Talk Christine's Absence, Brennan's Original (and 'Unsuitable') Vows — Plus: New Big Bad's Moniker Revealed!

Bones Wedding Episode
Bones Wedding Episode

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes… the burning questions!

With Booth and Brennan’s wedding now a piece of television history, Bones exec producers Hart Hanson and Stephen Nathan are dishing and telling about the ceremony’s biggest mysteries — including, but not limited to, Christine’s whereabouts, the popular alum they tried (and failed) to wrangle, Brennan’s original (unused) vows, and David Boreanaz’ surprising contribution to the script.

Plus, Hanson and Nathan tease a possible little brother or sister for little Christine, a long overdue showdown between Booth and Angela, and a Big Bad that may not have to be seen to be believed.

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TVLINE | How long did you know that the note from Season 2′s “Aliens in the Spaceship” would be used as Brennan’s vows?
HART HANSON: I actually wrote the note from that episode a gazillion years ago to sort of remind me to use it [in a future episode]. And when we discussed referencing it in the wedding episode, I dragged out the actual note and [realized] it was totally unsuitable for wedding vows. [Laughs] So they had to be completely rewritten.

TVLINE | What did the original note say?
HANSON | It was [Brennan telling Booth], “Don’t blame yourself if you didn’t get to me in time. I enjoyed working with you.” It didn’t lend itself to the poetry of wedding vows.

TVLINE | How much debate was there about what ultimately was written in that note?
HANSON | There wasn’t much debate. There was more debate about Booth‘s vows. I wrote something, and then David — who in his heart is a poetic guy — reminded me about something that gave us a whole different take. He said, “You know, we’re getting married in the exact spot where Brennan first chased down Booth [in the pilot] to say she could be one of his ducks.” And I thought, “That’s the way Booth would be, too — sort of literal and accidentally poetic at the same time.” So that came straight from David.

TVLINE | Why did you decide not to have a traditional church wedding?
STEPHEN NATHAN | We wanted to have our cake and eat it too. We did have them try to get married in a church, because it was something Brennan had already promised Booth. But we wanted to find some way to twist that, because nothing is easy on Bones. So we thought, “Eh, what the hell — we’ll burn the church down.”

TVLINE | Why wasn’t Christine in attendance?
HANSON | The twin girls playing Christine were there. They had a bad day. They were unhappy. And we just didn’t want to put the image of a crying child on the screen. And we also didn’t want to torture the child. That’s what happens when you have kid actors; some days are not good days.
NATHAN | Clearly Twitter will go, “Boo! Hart and Stephen are ass h—s and morons for not putting Christine in.” But, really, sometimes, there’s not much you can do. Life comes in and calls the shots.
HANSON | There was one gorgeous shot that never came to fruition. The idea was that little Christine was going to walk along and throw petals. And God bless [the twins' wranglers] they tried and tried and tried… But there were a lot of strangers there and it was scary… And the cattle prod didn’t help. [Laughs]

TVLINE | Was there anyone you wanted back but couldn’t get?
HANSON | We really wanted Stephen Fry [aka Booth's shrink Gordon Wyatt]. We really wanted Billy Gibbons [aka Angela's dad]. We debated a ton whether or not to have Booth and Brennan’s siblings come. By the way, our [guest-actor] budget at this point was getting very, very high, so we did not get everyone we wanted.
NATHAN | It was such an expensive episode to do. We had to make some difficult choices.

TVLINE | Are we going to see Angela apologize to Booth for the way she treated him after he broke off his engagement to Brennan? Or did that take place off screen?
NATHAN | You will see that. That’s in the future. We didn’t want everything to be to [neatly tied up]. That’s going to drag out a little bit more. It’s a very complicated thing, and we found a way to do it that is more fun and more complex.
HANSON | There are a few things that usually happen before a wedding that didn’t happen before this wedding. But we will try and find a way to make them happen after the wedding.

TVLINE | Like a bachelorette party?
HANSON | Like a bachelorette party.
NATHAN | The wedding happened so quickly that Angela didn’t have time to plan a bachelorette party. So the [Nov. 11 episode] is the one where they have the party. And that brings up all the stuff between Booth, Angela and Brennan.

TVLINE | When is the bachelor party?
NATHAN | There is no bachelor party.

TVLINE | Looking further ahead, there’s another Big Bad on the horizon. When will we meet him/her?
HANSON | There’s a debate between our characters whether or not it’s a real Big Bad or just Pelant’s way to mess with their minds from the grave. Brennan believed Pelant, but it’s really hard to prove that there is actually a serial killer out there.
NATHAN | We’re writing the episode now where we deal with all of this. It’s the 10th episode. And also, we don’t know if we’ll [meet the killer] in that episode. Sometimes we don’t actually see the serial killer for a while. The working name for this serial killer is “The Ghost Killer.” Ghosts are pretty ephemeral.

TVLINE | What’s the next milestone for Booth and Brennan — divorce?
HANSON & NATHAN | [Laughs]
NATHAN | Maybe they’ll commit the perfect murder. They have so much experience now.
HANSON | Christine is growing up, so there will be milestones like going to pre-school. And we have to start talking about whether Christine should be an only child or not. I think they’ll have differing opinions on that.

Bones returns to Fox on Monday, Nov. 4 at 8/7c.

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