Amy Poehler hawks Best Buy, says 'dongle' in Super Bowl ad [Video]

Golden Globes hostess with the mostess Amy Poehler went shopping -- hilariously -- at Best Buy during a Q1 Super Bowl ad. She also said "dongle" a bunch of times, which cracked us up, and yelled while wearing noise-cancelling headphones, which also cracked us up even though that joke is totally cheap, and wondered if LTD is "contagious," which ditto.

The "Parks & Recreation" star and co-creator puts a Best Buy salesperson through his paces in the 30-second spot, asking him tons of rapid-fire questions (thus the hashtag #InfiniteAnswers) and even grabbing him by the lapels at one point.

Cute spot; did you think it beat the Ozzy Osbourne "What's a Bieber?" ad?