13 Mind-Blowing Moments From the First 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron' Trailer

From the sinister Ultron to the amazing Hulkbuster armor, this 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron' trailer is incredibly revealing.

In a move that is likely to set a bad precedent, Marvel Studios released their extended teaser/trailer for The Avengers: Age Of Ultron a whole week earlier than planned after a low-res version leaked online early Wednesday.

According to Deadline, acting quickly, and wanting their fans to get a good, solid look at the film's massive explosions, Marvel released this incredibly exciting sneak peek.

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Oh wow, this movie looks amazing. Dark, somewhat bleak and a little nihilistic, but amazing.

In this harrowing sequel, SHEILD has been destroyed and the Avengers are getting worn out from all this "constantly saving the whole world" business. So, in a stroke of genius, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) restarts an old peacekeeping intuitive that is set to be operated by a self-aware robot with artificial intelligence known as Ultron.

Apparently Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, never got around to watching Terminator, or any other movie about Artificially Intelligent robots.

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Needless to say, Ultron tries to kill everybody, and the only ones who can (hopefully) stop it are the Avengers.

Check out the trailer above, and then let's dive in with the 13 best moments!

1. First Depressing Look At The Avengers

The first time we get a look at our favorite superhero team, they already look defeated. Captain America (Chris Evans) is sulking in the back, Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) looks exhausted, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is going to punch the walls, and Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) just looks like he needs a hug. It sets the tone for the trailer, and likely indicates the tone of the movie as a whole. It looks like this is going to be The Empire Strikes Back of the franchise.

2. Ultron As A Robot-Zombie

The whole motif of this trailer is basically that Ultron refuses to be a puppet for the Avengers, and this creepy marionette-meets-zombie walk really hits all the creepiest buttons. And having him voiced by the effortlessly terrifying James Spader almost feels like cheating.

3. Ultron Looks Like A Robo-Groot

Doesn't he? He looks like the creepy, murderous, metallic version of our lovable tree man from Guardians Of The Galaxy. Someone should develop a ridiculous fan theory about this.

4. Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver

Godzilla's Elizabeth Olsen plays Scarlet Witch and Kick-Ass star Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays her super-powered sibling. Evan Peters played Quicksilver in X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Evan Peters aren't the same person. Weird.

5. Lots of Ultrons

Yay, swarms. That’s what superhero movies need more of. Swarms!

6. Nick Fury's New Knit Cap

Apparently, Fury has quit the spy game and taken up being the world's most well-dressed fisherman.

7. Hulkbuster Armor

Hulkbuster! Hulkbuster! Look, everyone! We've been waiting to see Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor for years now, and this is it! HULKBUSTER!

8. Andy Serkis Looks More Rugged Than Ever

Serkis, the motion caption genius behind King Kong and Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, is also in this insane masterpiece!

9. Tender Moments

It looks like Hulk and Black Widow are going to have a sweet, heartfelt moment of understanding and growth. But, you know, probably not for very long or he'll be Bruce again, and that doesn’t really help anyone when you're fighting swarms of robots.

10. Ballet?

Is ballet going to play a significant role in this movie? If not, it feels like a weird place to intercut shots of ballerinas. Maybe they are robot ballerinas? If not, someone needs to make that movie immediately.

11. Hulkbuster!

Hulkbuster! Hulkbuster! Hulkbuster!

12. Cap's Broken Shield

Is there anything more depressing and demoralizing than seeing Captain America's unbreakable shield laying broken in a pile of rubble? The answer is no.

13. One Final Look At Ultron

The evil, omnipotent, super-killing robot has come a long way, evidently, from his zombie-like beginnings. There’s no denying that he's scary as hell, but does he really need two Bluetooth headsets? And who walks around with those when they aren't driving? Come on, Ultron.

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Based on this first extended glimpse, The Avengers: Age Of Ultron looks like it could be shaping up to become one of the most exciting and challenging superhero films we've seen so far from Marvel. And this trailer didn't even give us a peek at Paul Bettany as The Vision, so there is still so much more to look forward to before the movie even comes out.

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron hits theaters May 1, 2015.

For more Avengers news and comic coverage, you can follow Zach Seemayer on Twitter @ZachSeemayer

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