We Never Regretted Buying This Espresso Machine; Now It’s On Sale for a Limited Time

breville-espresso-machine-deal-review - Credit: Amazon
breville-espresso-machine-deal-review - Credit: Amazon

We got by just fine for years with single-serve coffee machines from Keurig and Nespresso. But, after upgrading to a Breville Barista Express, we’ll never go back to single-serve. Our only regret is that we didn’t wait a little longer to buy the hugely popular espresso machine: right now, Amazon is running a rare deal on the Barista Express, slashing the price down to $600 from $750.

If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your daily joe with a real espresso machine, now is the time to pull the trigger. The current Barista Express 20% off discount on Amazon will likely be over soon, as the Barista Express is a best-seller (even at full price).

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breville barista express
breville barista express

Buy: Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine $599.95

Over a decade after its release, the Barista Express remains the most popular espresso machine for beginners. Considered an automatic espresso machine, the Barista Express lets you grind, load, and tamper your portafilter before pulling a shot. This means you get to dial in espressos to your personal taste by making grinds at different levels of coarseness.

Related: The Best Espresso Machines

The whole espresso-making process, from grinding to pulling the shot, takes less than a minute. Thanks to easy, intuitive button controls, the machine is very easy to use — even if you’ve never pulled an espresso before. There’s also a built-in steam wand for making lattes, macchiatos, and any other coffee drinks with milk (that’s right: you can also make latte art with the wand). Plus, with its stainless steel build — which comes in either brushed stainless or black — the Barista Express is a kitchen decor upgrade instead of an eyesore.

at home latte machine
at home latte machine

Buy: Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine $599.95

In short, the Barista Express lets anyone (beginner or otherwise) make coffee shop-level espresso drinks in their home. And compared to similar-style espresso machines that can fetch thousands of dollars, the Breville is also relatively affordable — especially with its current $150 discount on Amazon. Be sure to grab one now before the price goes back up.

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