Nearly 20,000 People Have Signed Petition to Have Danny DeVito Replace Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Nearly 20,000 People Have Signed Petition to Have Danny DeVito Replace Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Danny DeVito as the new Wolverine?

Thousands of fans have fallen behind that idea after one person, called “Ring Arius,” created an online petition to cast the 74-year-old actor as the famous X-Men member.

“The only man able to take the throne after Hugh Jackman,” the petition read. “We believe that if Wolverine is to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the only man able to pull it off is Danny DeVito.”

The description of the statement refers to the X-Men franchise being owned by Marvel but having separate story arcs from characters such as Captain America and Iron Man in the Avengers franchise.

Jackman, 50, first played the character in 2000’s X-Men and continued with the role for years, ultimately returning to the character for a final time in 2017’s Logan.

His performance in that film was critically acclaimed and it is regarded as one of the greatest superhero films of all time, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

RELATED: Hugh Jackman Says ‘Wolverine Will Be Back’ — But Isn’t Sure About a Deadpool Crossover Film

In November 2018, Jackman revealed while he may be done with the character, Wolverine could still return.

“Oh, Wolverine will be back,” he told Willie Geist. “Someone’s going to buy him, I don’t know.”

When asked how he felt about Ryan Reynolds reaching out to him about a Deadpool-Wolverine mashup film, Jackman laughed and said, “Ryan is relentless.”

Danny DeVito; Hugh Jackman | George Pimentel/Getty Images; Roy Rochlin/Getty Images
Danny DeVito; Hugh Jackman | George Pimentel/Getty Images; Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

“He keeps coming back to me in all these ways, shapes and forms,” Jackman continued. “I just said, ‘You know, I just don’t think the world really wants to see Deadpool with Wolverine.’ Maybe a cameo from Deadpool? I just think it runs over it for Deadpool.”

Geist added jokingly, “His argument is he’d give a little boost to your career by putting you in a movie.”

“Oh, really? That’s nice of him. He’s throwing me a bone? Got it,” Jackman said before adding, “You know that term, dag, I mentioned? A dag is a goofball in American. It’s a goof. You’re such a dag, Ryan!”