NBA Stars Brook and Robin Lopez Give Chewbacca the Medal He Rightly Deserved in ‘Star Wars’

One of the greatest points of contention Star Wars fans have with Episode IV — a New Hope is the medal ceremony at the movie’s end. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo were awarded shiny medals for their part in destroying the Death Star. Chewbacca, who was there as well, and played just as big a part as Han, was awarded with … nada. Dude didn’t get a medal. There have been multiple reasons given, the main one being that Wookies don’t like material rewards. Sure. OK.

Fortunately, two kind individuals have come along to right this wrong — Brook and Robin Lopez. The Lopez twins are star centers in the NBA, Brook with the Brooklyn Nets and Robin with the Chicago Bulls. They also happen to be gigantic Star Wars fans. Brook has campaigned to play a Wookie in the new movies, and this special bobblehead was made for him. And, of course, both brothers took part in an epic lightsaber duel.

So when the 7-foot-tall Lopez brothers visited Disneyland recently, they presented Chewie with his very own medal. Robin tweeted:

Now, this isn’t the first time that Chewbacca has been given a medal to make up for Episode IV. At the 1997 MTV Movie Awards, Carrie Fisher gave him a Lifetime Achievement Award. Unfortunately, neither MTV nor the Lopez twins, for that matter, can make up for the fact that on that special day, Chewbacca was swindled.

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Of course, when something like Star Wars comes along and gets just about four decades of constant attention and examination, people are going to find flaws. Is there a flaw from the original trilogy you’d like to talk about? Tell us what you think! Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram — or leave your comments below. And check out our host, Khail Anonymous, on Twitter.