Nashville links help inspire Reese Witherspoon's new 'Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise' children's book

Reese Witherspoon remembers the first big business moves she ever made, like collecting stickers as a kid and selling them for profit, or that time she put on a magic show in her backyard.

In the third grade, her entrepreneurial spirit even got her into trouble when her custom barrette decorating business got messy. She had to stay back and clean the school after-hours as punishment.

And now — Witherspoon captures this youthful innovation in her new children's book, "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise," illustrated by Xindi Yan and released on Oct. 3.

Witherspoon, an actress, producer, entrepreneur, avid reader and writer, is known for films such as "Legally Blonde" and shows such as "Big Little Lies" and "The Morning Show." She spoke to The Tennessean about her latest editorial endeavors and the story's Tennessee connections.

The book cover for Reese Witherspoon's "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise," which was released Oct. 3.
The book cover for Reese Witherspoon's "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise," which was released Oct. 3.

The book is her second "Busy Betty" story; the first was released in 2022, introducing Betty to the world as an energetic young girl whose mind bubbles over with ideas. Betty gets herself into trouble, but always overcomes obstacles and comes out on the other side. In the first story, she runs a dog-washing business. In "Circus Surprise," Betty enthusiastically plans a circus-themed surprise party for her mother.

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"Busy Betty was inspired by my own mom, Betty Witherspoon," said Witherspoon, who grew up in Nashville. "Betty is my mother's name, and my mother was always very busy. She always worked multiple jobs. She was a nurse at Vanderbilt. She taught at TSU (Tennessee State University). So she was always going, going and always having fun." She added that her mom always had engaging hobbies as well, like painting and needlepoint classes.

Witherspoon mentioned Nashville's originality and sparkle.

"I'm from Nashville, and I visit there quite a bit, and my parents live in Nashville and I love being from there," she said. "It's a wonderful place to be a kid and grow up, and I've learned so much from all the creativity around me, all the music, and there's so many amazing writers that live there."

In the story, Witherspoon also draws from her own childhood.

"I was looking through pictures of myself as a little girl and remembering all of my enthusiasm and larger-than-life spirit, and how you'd have a billion ideas every day," she said.

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While Busy Betty's adventures draw from both Witherspoon's own childhood and her mother's personality, they also stretch further, spanning three generations of her family.

"I pull parts of the character based on my own children and the questions they asked me when they were little, and how they used to play or we would set up creative play for them," said Witherspoon, adding they had numerous lemonade stands and car washes.

Actress and author Reese Witherspoon has released her new children's book "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise," her second "Busy Betty" story.
Actress and author Reese Witherspoon has released her new children's book "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise," her second "Busy Betty" story.

Witherspoon has also authored books for older audiences, like "Whiskey in a Teacup," but as a mom of three (ages 11, 19 and 24), she has enjoyed writing in the children's book genre.

"I've been a mom since 1999, so I just think a lot about things that could be helpful for caregivers advice-wise."

Witherspoon said she hopes her books can help both energetic children and their parents, showing that play can happen in a whimsical, imaginative world.

Witherspoon's children are involved in her writing process and like to sit in on brainstorming sessions and provide their own ideas. She said her daughter is very creative and her youngest son likes to weigh in on which jokes land.

In addition to the collaboration, Witherspoon has her own writing methods. She likes to think of her stories almost like a movie, with a conflict, activity montages, a moment of desperation and a resolution. "I mean, that's how I think of storytelling now because I've been doing it for so long. I think of stories in screenplay structure."

And of course, like her main character, Witherspoon is staying busy herself. Another Busy Betty book, she says, should be out next year.

"I have so many ideas for this character," Witherspoon said, "so I just keep writing them down and scribbling them whenever they come up. And it's been really fun to write."

Readers can buy "Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise" here.

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Reese Witherspoon's new 'Busy Betty' book draws from Nashville childhood