‘I love cows’: Body-positive influencer has the perfect response for fat-shaming trolls

If you spend a lot of time on the internet, you know Nabela Noor. The 28-year-old Bangladeshi-American has built popular Instagram and Youtube channels based in makeup tutorials and body-positive messages.

The influencer recently posted her first-ever bikini picture on social media, and was body shamed for doing so. "This is what it is like being a plus-sized woman on the Internet," the beauty blogger wrote on Instagram.

Onstage at theCURVYcon 2019 on Saturday, Noor talked about the negative messages she receives daily, and how she responds to them.

“I’m just always flipping it, Noor told the crowd of hundreds. “Somebody sends me a hate comment, tells me to go die, I say, ‘But I’m thriving! I’m living! I’m winning! But you’re telling me to go die?’”

“Or someone telling me that I’m just fat, or I’m a fat cow,” said Noor, “I’m like ‘I love cows.’”

Take that, haters.

Check out our complete coverage of TheCurvyCon 2019.