Musical aims to bring the magic to St. Joseph

Jul. 25—Young performers will have a chance to show off their talents this weekend with a special performance of "Peter Pan Jr."

Creative Arts Productions has been creating an immersive theater experience for performers and audiences alike for over 40 years now. This year's "Peter Pan Jr." aims to continue that tradition.

For almost three weeks, the CAP summer camp has been abuzz with kids learning new skills and preparing for their performances.

This camp is for children in grades 3 through 12, and it provides the experience of putting a musical together from auditions to tech week to the final curtain call all in three weeks.

This year's camp director, Jeremy Eaton, said he is very happy with how the camp has been going. He has enjoyed seeing the students learn new skills.

"Camp is going wonderfully well," he said. "It's amazing to see the kids starting to have those glimpses of newfound confidence and newfound character, not only on stage but off stage too."

"Peter Pan Jr." is very similar to the original musical version of "Peter Pan" but has some adjustments to make it more feasible in the time frame.

Even though there are some tweaks to the production people may know, with vibrant sets and fun performances, Eaton hopes that audiences will be transported into the world of this show.

Perhaps the most magical element of all is the flying Peter Pan, Wendy, Michael and John.

Through the magic of musical theater, Eaton hopes the audience can take something away from the show.

"They should (take away) that, all of us, we all contain magic," he said. "We all have magic inside of us. And to never, ever grow up."

The performances of "Peter Pan Jr." will be at 7 p.m. on Saturday, July 29, and and 2 p.m. on Sunday, July 30, at the Missouri Theater in Downtown St. Joseph.

Tickets can be purchased on the CAP website at