‘The Mummy’ London Premiere Canceled After Manchester Attack

Universal Pictures has canceled the London premiere of The Mummy in the wake of the Manchester Arena bombing on Monday (May 22).

“All of us at Universal have been devastated by the terror attack in Manchester and continue to stand with the community and country as it recovers,” the studio said Thursday (May 25). “Out of respect to those affected by this tragedy we have decided not to move forward with the London premiere for The Mummy scheduled to take place next week.”

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On Wednesday, Warner Bros. canceled its Wonder Woman premiere in London, which had been scheduled for May 31. The Mummy stars Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, Russell Crowe, Jake Johnson and Courtney B. Vance.

The Manchester bombing at an Ariana Grande concert killed 22 people and injured dozens more. Police have arrested eight people so far as the investigation continues. The suicide bomber died in the attack.

This article originally appeared on The Hollywood Reporter.

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