The Most Absolutely Terrifying Moments From 'The Conjuring' Franchise

The Conjuring franchise, which includes stories from real-life paranormal investigators who look into hauntings for a living, has been going strong since 2013.The films have grossed $1.8 billion. And besides Godzilla, The Conjuring is one of the highest grossing horror film franchises ever.

Prime TV Viewing

Do you remember when that girl was trying to get her TV fixed so she could, you know, watch TV? After several whacks of the set, the screen goes blank, but in its reflection, there's someone sitting in the chair behind her. When she turns around, the remote, which appears to be floating in air, falls to the floor. Creepy.


One of the most famous images from "The Conjuring" franchise is Annabelle, the doll from the movie of the same name. Annabelle, who looks like she's seen a thing or two, appears in five Conjuring movies.

Check Them Out If You Dare

The "fire truck," scene, where a toy becomes so much more than that, is included in this best-of compilation video, along with eerie shadows, lost souls and surprise attacks. All the scariest scenes are here for your viewing pleasure.