Mom To Runaway Teen: ‘You Suck The Life Out Of Me’

Malia’s parents say she dropped out of school after the sixth grade, uses street drugs and became involved with a much older man at age 15.

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Following an allegedly violent encounter this past June, and the alleged shooting of an elderly neighbor in the leg, 17-year-old Malia’s 35-year-old boyfriend, Charles Jackson was apprehended by Oregon police in September. Jackson is currently awaiting trial on multiple charges, including assault, attempted murder, and contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor; to all of which he’s pleaded not guilty.

On Thursday’s Dr. Phil. Malia says she’s ready to come home. But her parents, Mark and Melissa, say that’s not currently an option.

“Every time you have come into the home, you bring chaos into our home,” claims Melissa, who says Malia caused her younger sisters a lot of stress.

“You suck the life out of me and can’t give anything to them,” she adds.

“I don’t suck the life out of you, I just take your attention that needs to be given to me that I haven’t had in years, and the girls aren’t used to having another person in their life that takes a little bit of your attention away,” replies Malia. “And I feel like I deserve a little bit of your attention.”

Mark says, “ And the girls, looking at it from their eyes, they get close to you, they are so happy you’re back in the house, and then the chaos starts and they get hurt, and then you leave, and they’re hurt because you leave.”

“I can do this, I can go to counseling, I can get my GED, I can get my license and my permit, and I can do all that,” she says, promising things will be different. “I’ll clean, I’ll do chores, I will do whatever.”

Mark and Melissa say they have specific requirements their daughter will have to meet before she’ll be allowed to move home. Is Malia willing to do what her parents ask?

Check here to find out where you can tune into Thursday’s Dr. Phil.

TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: I’m Living A Nightmare!

Today’s Takeaway: “Our Runaway Teen Daughter Thinks She’s In Love With An Older Man Who Police Allege Raped And Threatened Her”