Mom Recalls Day Her Teen Daughter Died By Suicide

Antoinette says she has a close relationship with her children and is very involved in their lives. She says they have family meetings twice a week and she even has a talking bench in her bedroom where they can sit and talk with her about anything bothering them. That’s why she says she was surprised when her 13-year-old daughter, Tierra, whom she referred to as “Muffin,” took her own life. “This was a child that talked futuristically, so this is something you would never, ever expect,” Antoinette says. In the video above from Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, "'Bullied to Death,'" Antoinette describes what she says happened on the Saturday morning that Muffin died by suicide. On Monday, Dr. Phil discusses what it’s like for a child to be bullied to the point that they think there’s no other way to escape the hopelessness and despair than to end their life. And, he offers a message to all parents. Check local listings to see where you can watch. TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Ask Dr. Phil