Mom Claims Worry About Her Daughter’s Diabetes Management Gave Her PTSD

Emma hasn’t seen either her mother, Susan, or her father, David, in years. “My mom says it’s because she has PTSD from my diabetes, and my dad says it’s his wife,” she says. David, who has been supporting Emma and his grandchildren financially ever since her fiancé died of a drug overdose, hasn’t seen her in person in about four years. He agrees with Emma’s claim that his wife is a factor in that distance, adding, “She dislikes Emma intensely.” Susan admits that she has only seen Emma three times in the last 11 years. She says she has PTSD from worry about how her daughter manages her Type 1 diabetes. Emma says that she has struggled with drug dependency since she was a teenager. She claims she stopped using drugs over a decade ago and is currently sober but admits that when her fiancé died, she started abusing the anti-anxiety medication, which led to other problems. Today Emma, Susan, David, and Emma’s younger brother, Jasper, are all together for the first time in nearly a decade. Can Dr. Phil help them resolve their differences and get Emma the help she says she needs? Check your local listing to find out where you can watch Friday’s episode, “Broken Ties and Financial Lies,” WATCH: Woman Says Her Dad’s Financial Support Is Great, But She’d Rather Have His ‘Emotional Support And Love’ TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: A family/relationship divided?