Mom Claims 17-Year-Old Runaway Daughter Is A Danger To Herself And Others

Tasha says her 17-year-old runaway daughter, Sierra, was recently arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.


“Two weeks ago, before we were supposed to appear on the Dr. Phil show, I was phoned with the police officer telling me that my daughter had been in an altercation where she had actually stabbed someone in their face,” she claims. “Sierra told me the perpetrator was hitting her, so she picked up a knife sharpener and defended herself.”

Tasha says Sierra was put in a juvenile detention center for three days, and then the charges were dropped. Sierra spent two nights at her father’s home. Then, according to Tasha, she went back out on her own.

Why does Tasha claim her daughter is a danger to herself, and others? This episode airs Friday.

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