Mom Admits To Enabling 45-Year-Old Son Who Lives At Home

Mom Admits To Enabling 45-Year-Old Son Who Lives At Home

After his divorce nearly 16 years ago, Jeff moved back in with his mother, Janet, and brought his children with him. His sister, Monica, says Jeff spends his time watching TV, playing video games and smoking marijuana and lives rent-free while Janet, 65, supports him and his kids.

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“I would love to retire if I wasn’t supporting them,” says Janet, who admits she enables her son.

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Janet says Jeff “is definitely lazy,” and claims that his top priority is hanging out with his friends while leaving her to take care of his children. She says she’s tried to kick him out of the house in the past – but always ends up letting him stay.

What does Jeff claim Janet told him when he was pursuing work in another state?

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