Mom Addicted To Drugs Admits To Stealing Purses From Church And A Parent-Teacher Conference For Money

Mom Addicted To Drugs Admits To Stealing Purses From Church And A Parent-Teacher Conference For Money

Kami was considered the “perfect” suburban mother of four until she was accused of having sex with a 17-year-old friend of her teenage daughter. It was then that her drug addiction was revealed.

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“When I got into my addiction, I was trying to fake this image that everything was OK. That I was still the mom and I was in charge, just like I always was,” says Kami, who admits she drove her children while high. “I would do coke every hour on the hour, not knowing when to stop.”

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Kami, who has been arrested 12 times and is now homeless, admits she has stolen purses and wallets from churches and a parent-teacher conference at an elementary school to get money. After that incident, she was sent to jail.

In the video above, hear from Kami’s sister, Teresa. Why does she say she continues to help her sister?

On Wednesday’s episode of Dr. Phil, see what happens when Kami faces two of her daughters, who say they feel like they don’t have a mom anymore. And, find out why Kami storms off stage. On Thursday, will Kami return? And will she accept help? Check here to see where you can watch.

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