Modern Warfare 3 will instantly kill you for going off script in a mission

 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has quite an interesting approach to players disobeying directions during the campaign.

Modern Warfare 3's campaign component launched just last week, and already players have sped through the entire single-player gauntlet. It turns out that, in an early-game mission, alerting a base to your presence and not taking a stealthy approach will result in the game itself instantly killing your character out of nowhere.

The player above jokes that Modern Warfare 3 effectively puts your character down out of nowhere as punishment for disobeying the mission parameters. If you so much as put a foot wrong in 'Deep Cover' and alert the enemy base, you're in for an incredibly bad time, with zero way to respond.

The decision to outright kill the player is made even weirder by a previous mission in Modern Warfare 3. 'Deep Cover' posits that you can't take out an entirely military base on your own, but 'Payload' has you as a one-man army taking out a whole base, as you can see in the footage just below.

The name of the mission itself suggests that you're supposed to be undercover and not, you know, fighting a small army by yourself. Still, it's a little jarring to be killed with zero explanation as to how or why your untimely demise has come about. I remember the original Modern Warfare 3 used to shut you down for shooting at allies in the campaign, but that was accompanied by a message saying friendly fire wouldn't be tolerated - pretty self-explanatory.

So far at least, we're pretty disappointed with Call of Duty's latest offering, which you can read all about in our Modern Warfare 3 review. From what we've played, it's a strangely bland and underwhelming campaign, one that feels like it could and should be doing more.

Fans are disappointed with Modern Warfare 3's lack of a PS5 Platinum Trophy, leading to queries about whether the launch was originally little more than DLC.