Model Who Hired Hitman To Kill Husband’s Ex Claims She Tried To Back Out Of Meeting With Hitman

Model Who Hired Hitman To Kill Husband’s Ex Claims She Tried To Back Out Of Meeting With Hitman

Tara Lambert says that after repeatedly being dragged to court by her husband’s ex, Kellie Cooke, she decided to send Cooke a message to not mess with her family anymore. She says she enlisted the help of a former high school acquaintance, Ginny, whom she asked to make a threatening phone call to Cooke. Ginny claims that after the phone call, Lambert contacted her through Facebook offering to pay someone to “take care of our problem.”

Working with police, Ginny arranged for Tara to meet with a “hitman” who was actually an undercover police officer.

In the video above from Lambert’s exclusive interview with Dr. Phil airing Tuesday, the former model claims that she tried to back out of the meeting with the hitman — but that she felt forced to show up. Watch surveillance video of the meeting, and hear Ginny’s take.

On Tuesday’s episode, watch more of the police sting video. And, will Lambert finally admit the truth? Did she really want Kellie dead? Check here to see where you can watch.