Miss Piggy Has Wardrobe Malfunction on ‘Muppets’

Controversy sprung up on Tuesday’s The Muppets as Miss Piggy’s curly tail popped out of her dress on the red carpet. Soon, her tail was all over the newspapers.

Miss Piggy lamented that she had to constantly hide her piggy-ness. Then, inspired by none other than herself, Miss Piggy created a public service announcement to empower other pigs to proudly show their tails. In it, she announced that she would #unveilthetail.

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However, the network would not allow Miss Piggy to bear her piggy skin. Caught between the need to empower pigs and the network’s standards and practices, the Muppets were out of options. Fozzie Bear helpfully pitched, “Since we can’t do the one thing and we can’t do the other thing, then all we have to do is think of a third thing that makes everyone happy.”

That third thing was Kermit announcing on Piggy’s show that he would unveil his tail. He turned around to reveal a pigtail attached his rear. The rest of the Muppets joined in, in solidarity of Miss Piggy.

The Muppets airs Tuesdays at 8:30 pm on ABC.

Watch how The Muppets got rebranded!

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