Michelle Obama Says Barack Was 'a Bum' in High School

First lady Michelle Obama had a special sit-down interview with the ladies of The Real. When asked about her husband, Mrs. Obama was candid regarding the president’s early years. Apparently, he wasn’t a model citizen in his youth. “You know, and it took him a second,” she explained. “’Cause, you know, he had to grow up a little bit.”

The first lady expanded on some of the factors in Barack’s process of self-discovery. “He wasn’t raised with his father, so he was going through some stuff, had to figure himself out as a man,” she said. “Which is one of the reasons he talks to young men about this stuff.” She left the audience and the hosts of The Real with a motivational anecdote, saying, “It is never too late. The president of the United States screwed around in high school, and he still got his act together.”

See former First Lady Hillary Clinton interview for the big job: President of The United States:

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