Michelle Duggar Writes New Blog Post Encouraging Women to Be 'Joyfully Available' to Have Sex with Husbands, Even While Pregnant

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Peter Kramer/Getty

Michelle Duggar has some clear advice for newlywed women: “be available” to your husband.

The Duggar family matriarch, 49, took to the family website on Thursday to share her three pieces of marriage advice, and her first suggestion was all about catering to what she calls a man’s “special need.”

The guidance was first given to Michelle several years ago from a “dear friend” friend of hers, and the 19 Kids and Counting mother said it’s “been the best advice” that she has ever received in regard to her relationship with her husband Jim Bob Duggar, 50.

“She told me: ‘Michelle, I know you’re so excited. You’re a bride-to-be, but some day you’ll be at this point. You’ve got to remember this,’ ” Michelle wrote. ” ‘Anyone can iron Jim Bob’s shirt, anybody can make lunch for him. He can get his lunch somewhere else. But you are the only one who can meet that special need that he has in his life for intimacy. You’re it. You’re the only one.’ ”

” ‘So don’t forget that, that he needs you,’ ” she added. ” ‘So when you are exhausted at the end of the day, maybe from dealing with little ones, and you fall into bed so exhausted at night, don t forget about him because you and he are the only ones who can have that time together. No one else in the world can meet that need.’ ”

Michelle went on to recap her friend’s advice, which is to “be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for you,’ no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big pregnant and you may not feel like he feels. ‘I’m still here for you and I m going to meet that need because I know it s a need for you.’ ”

According to Michelle, Jim Bob, in turn, lays down “his life in any way.”

“He will sit there and listen to everything I need to tell him because he knows that I’m there for him, too. I m meeting his needs, he’s meeting my needs,” Michelle wrote. “We’re willing to be there for each other. And each one of us has different needs in a marriage relationship and that’s what’s so precious.”

Michelle also advised newlyweds to talk about disagreements in private, as well as to get “marriage advice when you need it.”

Michelle’s post comes at a difficult time for the family: her eldest child Josh Duggar, 27, is currently seeking treatment in a faith-based rehab center after admitting in August to having a pornography addiction and being unfaithful to his wife Anna, 27.

Josh also found himself at the center of a molestation scandal that broke in May, revealing that as a teen, he had molested five underage girls, including two of his sisters: Jill (Duggar) Dillard and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald.

RELATED: Josh Duggar Checks into Rehab, Starts ‘a Long Journey Toward Wholeness and Recovery’

Though TLC officially canceled the family’s reality show 19 Kids and Counting in July in the wake of Josh’s scandal, the network will air two or more TV specials following Jessa, 22, and Jill, 24.

According to TLC, the first special is expected to air by the end of the year and will follow Jessa – who is due in November – preparing for her first child.

On Sunday, the family celebrated Johannah Duggar’s 10th birthday.

“Happy, Happy, Happy 10th birthday, Johannah! We love you so much! You bring much joy to each of our lives! You will always be our sweet 16th [child]!” Michelle and Jim Bob wrote on Facebook.