Michael Phelps and Peyton Manning Take Whiskey Shots Backstage With Country Star Eric Church

Michael Phelps and Peyton Manning Take Whiskey Shots Backstage With Country Star Eric Church

Olympic swimming icon Michael Phelps and legendary NFL quarterback Peyton Manning got to do something backstage at an Eric Church concert most fans would dream of — do shots of Jack Daniel’s whiskey with the guy who sings the song “Jack Daniels.”

The concert took play Saturday night at the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. In between songs, Church went backstage followed by a camera that broadcast to the jumbotron screens in the arena. Church can be seen pouring the shots and handing them to Manning, Phelps, and others.

The group all did their shots out of plastic cups and triumphantly tossed them in the trash when they were done.

Phelps was arrested in 2004 and 2014 on charges of driving under the influence. After the second arrest, he announced he had checked himself into “a six-week, inpatient program” shortly after the second arrest. He has never said he believed himself to be an alcoholic or that he was now sober.

Peyton Manning Dancing at Eric Church Show

Manning was seen enjoying the show from his box, which was filled with a lot of people. An onlooker said that it seemed like Manning was “a big fan” and “was definitely dancing and singing to the songs.”

Peyton Manning

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