Michael Moore on Trump agreeing with his tweet: 'I'm his base'

Michael Moore stopped by Late Night With Seth Meyers Thursday, just one day after the Robert Mueller hearing, and Moore's subsequent Twitter rant, which began with a tweet that read: "A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions. All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on" Later, Donald Trump seized the opportunity as he retweeted Moore's tweet and replied, "Even Michael Moore agrees that the Dems and Mueller blew it!" Meyers wanted to know what it was like on the other side of one of Trump's tweets. “How does it feel when Donald Trump agrees with you?” asked Meyers. "I think he's a little afraid to come completely at me, because, essentially, I'm his base. I'm an angry white guy over the age of 50 and I have a high school education," Moore told Meyers. Moore also told Meyers that, while he thinks Trump doesn't want to come at him too hard, he enjoys it when he does, and he also wanted to clarify to Trump where he still stands. "I tweeted him back about the part about we were watching a frail old man yesterday," said Moore. He continued, "I just said, 'Donald, I was actually talking about you.'" Despite everything that unfolded following the Mueller hearing Wednesday, Moore still believes that impeachment is the right path. "I don't know what's wrong with the Democrats. You have to, for history's sake, for the children, you have to say, this is wrong. Presidents cannot break the law," stated Moore.