Michaël Brun on Discovering the Genius of Daft Punk’s Discovery: The Spark Parade

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Host Adam Unze (The Opus) explores creativity in all its forms on The Spark Parade  by asking musicians, artists, comedians, and other creators to share the single cultural work that has most inspired them. Whether it comes from the world of music, film, comedy, visual art, or literature, we all have something that sparks our own creative desires. On The Spark Parade, guests reveal the single piece of art that ignites within them to fire of creation. This week, electronic musician Michaël Brun shares how Daft Punk’s Discovery changed his creative life.

Brun happened upon “One More Time,” the lead the seminal Discovery, and was instantly transported to an exciting new musical realm. That feeling enhanced tenfold when he heard the full project. Almost instantly, he was inspired by many aspects of the album and its promotion: the diverse group of influences that were apparent in the music, Daft Punk’s futuristic/robotic aesthetic, and the anime videos that created a narrative structure for Discovery.

His mind was blown by the creative ingenuity on display and it set him on a path that would come to define his career as an artist. “I didn’t even fully grasp what an album was at that point. I would say I listened to music very passively up until [hearing Discovery],” Brun explains. “That was the first thing that felt like I discovered it, like it was speaking to me.”

Listen to Michaël Brun gush over Daft Punk’s Discovery and more in the new episode above. Please also take the time to like, review, and subscribe to the Spark Parade wherever you get your podcasts, and keep up to date with all our series by following the Consequence Podcast Network.

Michaël Brun on Discovering the Genius of Daft Punk’s Discovery: The Spark Parade
Consequence Staff

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