Mercury Retrograde falls on Halloween 2019 how to prepare for it

Mercury Retrograde is one big hassle. It causes outbursts and miscommunication between people. Mercury is the planet of communication. It's when the planet Mercury rotates in a backwards motion.

This year, Mercury Retrograde falls on Halloween on October 31.

Here's some tips from astrologers how to prepare for this temporary planetary disturbance.

Plan ahead. Don't make commitments, sign contracts or start new projects during Mercury Rx. Instead, write down what you want to accomplish and think about how you are going to proceed.

Be prudent and responsible with your finances. Don't overspend on large purchases or take financial risks. Instead, re-evaluate your spending habits and invest in purchases that you need.

Examine your emotions and watch your tongue. Be cautious of how you react to other people because emotions can run particularly high during Mercury Rx. Think before you speak. Don't pick fights with others because it will be a miserable experience. The urge to 'lash out' is lurking so keep a cool head.

Secrets are revealed during Mercury Rx which is currently in the sign of Scorpio. People will show their true colors and you will show your own. This is likely to cause arguments and disagreements. It isn't very pleasant.