Men Over 40 Can Lunge Their Way to Stronger Legs

Trainer, author, and fitness model Kirk Charles, NASM-CPT CES, knows that as you get older, life can get more complicated. But that shouldn’t prevent you from being on top of your game. He’ll help to answer the tough training questions that come with age so you too can be Fit Beyond 40.

Lunging is an underrated exercise for building leg strength, especially since there are so many variations that allow you to break from the typical stationary mold of other leg day moves. Lunges also help to hone balance, which can be even more important as you age. At 58, I’m at an age where I need to be more intentional in the ways I move. Lunging helps me in all of my physical endeavors by helping to build a firmer foundation in my lower body—and they become even more effective once you take them on a walk. The walking lunge variation incorporates more balance and mobility, which are key to helping with my activities and sports.

To get started, stand up straight and tall. Step forward and slightly out with one leg, landing on your heel first, then bend your knees to descend into the lunge. If you’re able, lower until your rear knee is just above the ground—make sure that you don't slam it down. Both of your knees should form 90 degree angles, with your core engaged to keep your torso upright. Transfer your weight to your front foot and push your body upward and forward. Drive up through the front foot to a standing position with your feet together and pause, or if you can maintain balance, step directly into the next rep with your other leg. If you're working with your bodyweight, cycle your arms like a runner with each step to help maintain balance.

For me, the number one perk of the walking lunge is working on balance. Also, as I descend into the lunge, I like to pause for a moment and hover at the bottom. That static hold helps to engage my quad and glutes more, but also tests deceleration, balance, and hip stabilization. After that, I like to push up as powerfully as possible to the standing position, which requires acceleration.

There are a few things older men need to be aware of with the walking lunge. First, as you descend to the bottom of the lunge, some might lack the core strength avoid tilting forward. Work to keep your spine as straight up as possible—slow down or shorten your steps to help with that. Second, when coming up from the bottom of the lunge, some older men don’t transfer their weight forward to the lead leg. That causes them to compensate by tilting the spine forward to get to the standing position. Many even shift their butts backward a bit so they can use the back leg to help power upward. You must transfer you weight forward to the lead leg to stand up with good technique.

If you experience knee pain or have a history of lower body issues, check with your doctor and possibly start out with other exercises to work your lower body. Moves like squats might be a better choice to start since both feet remain on the floor. Then, move to static lunges before doing walking lunges.

Start with bodyweight to master the movement, then progress to loaded versions, like holding dumbbells at your side, front racking kettlebells, or even with a barbell on your shoulders. Try 3 sets of 8 steps per leg to start.

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