Megan Mullally Reacts After Donald Trump Shares Video Of Old Emmys Duet

'The Will & Grace' star isn't exactly thrilled about the president's latest post.

Suddenly, 2005 seems like another lifetime.

On Thursday, President Donald Trump celebrated the signing of a new farm bill with a completely unexpected post. He shared an old clip of himself and Will & Grace star Megan Mullally happily covering the Green Acres theme song at the 57th Emmy Awards while wearing fittingly mismatched attire. Trump donned overalls and straw hat for the ditty while Mullally wore a snazzy matching green outfit, embodying her alter ego, Karen Walker.

“Farm Bill signing in 15 minutes! #Emmys#TBT,” he captioned the clip.

However, his partner in this duet wasn’t so thrilled to revisit this particular moment in her career.

“If you guys need me, I’ll be in a hole in the ground,” she wrote, clearly in response, along with the cross-eyed, skull and waving-hand emojis.

At the 2005 ceremony, host Ellen DeGeneres held the “Emmy Idol,” a playful spin on American Idol where celebs competed for the not-at-all real title, the Mullally and Trump managed to win.

Mullally visited The Late Show with Stephen Colbert in December of 2016, soon after Trump won the White House, where she discussed the performance and Trump’s reaction to them coming out on top.

“He really wanted to win because people were calling in to vote,” she explained to Colbert.

“We won it," she continued. "Here’s the capper, so the next day, I was in my Will & Grace dressing room and the phone rang and it was Donald Trump. And he said, ‘You know what? We really needed to win that thing and we did. And you were a big part of that, so I just wanted to say that we really needed to win it. Not only did we win it, but I hear we killed them. It was a landslide!’ ...If he felt that way about 'Emmy Idol' how do you think he felt about the presidential election?”

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