Megan Fox: Posing in Lingerie Five Months Post-Baby 'Forces You to Love Your Body'

Megan Fox is the first to say she’s “basically lived in lingerie in front of the world,” so when Frederick’s of Hollywood approached her about a possible brand ambassadorship as well as the opportunity to own a stake in the company and design her own collection she knew the partnership was perfect. The timing, however, left a little bit to be desired. The actress, 30, welcomed son (with husband Brian Austin Green) Journey River in August, mere months before she’d need to model the brand’s wares for its spring ad campaign. But as Fox learned, nothing gets you more prepared for lingerie modeling than, well, just doing it.

“At a certain point I didn’t have a choice,” she said. “The time was ticking down. I was like, All right, we’re gonna do this.’ It forces you to love your body as it is, which is a beautiful thing. I didn’t think I was ready but then I was in the pieces and it forced me to go, A woman’s body is miraculous. The fact that I am in lingerie right now and I just had my third human being come out of my body five months ago is incredible.’ I mean, it’s crazy what we’re able to do as women! So that was empowering and unanticipated.”

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That doesn’t mean she didn’t amp up the gym time “I do generally bounce back pretty quick, but it does take a lot of work I had to work out harder this time than I had to ever work out in my life!” but she also gave herself some grace considering what she’d been through mere months earlier. “It was difficult but I will say, the appreciation I have for what my body is capable of and how motivated I can be in my ability to achieve a goal is greatly enhanced from going through that experience.”

She was happy to do it for a brand that had a lot of positive associations for her from the first days she landed in Hollywood.

“When I was really young I obviously had a Marilyn Monroe fascination she was tattooed on my arm I remember her wearing Frederick’s of Hollywood,” she says. “When I moved to L.A., I was like 17, there was a Frederick’s of Hollywood store on Hollywood Boulevard and I went there and I bought all of these really sexy pieces that I knew my parents would have a heart attack if they knew I was buying them. I was raised in a really religious, very strict household. So the first thing I did when I got out of the house, I just ran around Los Angeles doing all the things that I knew would upset them I could buy a pair of crotchless panties, which at the time I had no need for but it was still empowering, like, I can be what I want to be right now and there’s no sort of restrictions or limits or shaming. It’s just a place that really embraces a woman’s body and her right to express herself however she wants.”

So what can we expect from Fox’s upcoming designs? Though she can’t reveal too much (saying that a spread in Japanese Vogue was the launching pad for the yet-to-be-revealed collection), she did explain why she’s so happy to be partnered with the lingerie brand.

“Something I really appreciate about this company is we’re providing these ultra-sexy pieces, as well as introducing stuff that is ready to wear, that you can wear out with your friends or on a date,” she says. “But you still have access to the stuff that is really naughty. I just want to be as involved as I can in the way how these things are not just going to look, but how they are going to feel. Because that is of course a huge part of wearing lingerie.”

Are you excited to shop her line?

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