Can Meditation Improve Health And Slow Aging?

Can Meditation Improve Health And Slow Aging?

Is it possible to improve health, strengthen the connections in the brain and slow the aging process through meditative awareness? “Yes,” says Dr. Daniel J. Siegel in his new book, “Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence.”

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“The science is amazing,” he says on Monday’s episode, adding, “because what we know now is that what you do with your mind, in very specific ways that are accessible to everyone, can actually literally change many of the factors of health in your body.”

A clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center, Dr. Siegel says by learning how to focus their attention in just a few minutes a day, individuals can improve physiology and grow aspects of the brain to make their brains function “in a more nimble and resilient way.”

“Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence” by Daniel J. Siegel, MD is available wherever books are sold.

Dr. Siegel is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a member of the Dr. Phil Advisory Board.

Watch the video above to hear more, then check here to find your local listing for Monday’s Dr. Phil.

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Relationships And Health Helped By Meditative Practice Says Dr. Dan Siegel In New Book