'How Do You Measure a Year?' Exclusive Clip

Documentarian Jay Rosenblatt filmed his daughter answering the same questions for 17 years straight in HBO short.

Video Transcript

JAY ROSENBLATT: What are you most afraid of?

ELLA ROSENBLATT: Life. I'm afraid of living.

Because there's twists and turns that you don't expect, and it can be rough. And I don't want to go through that.

I couldn't tell you for sure, but if I had to think off the spot, I would probably-- animal rights activist.

Power is being able to stand up for what you believe in. Power is being yourself. That takes a lot of power.

Our relationship has been tough this past year. I think it's gotten worse the past few months. But-- well, actually, not worse, just a little more difficult because we've been fighting a lot. And I don't know. But we always make up and forgive each other in the end. So I feel pretty good about it.