Mayor Pete Buttigieg Tells Seth Meyers “President Acts In Self-Serving Way”

UPDATE, with videos Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg told Late Night host Seth Meyers tonight that the Mueller report “confirmed a lot of things that we were worried about.”

However, he added, “Politically, I’m not sure it will change much. It’s one more reminder that if we really want to send Trumpism into the history books, the best thing we can do is defeat it decisively at the ballot box in 2020.” When that comment from Mayor Pete drew a big round of applause, Meyers joked, “I’m very good at judging how the audience feels about something and they’re split right down the middle on that one.”

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The South Bend, Ind., mayor told Meyers that “We have a president who acts in a self-serving way. There was a lot of behavior that was at best unethical and we believe problematic, to put it charitably.”

Buttigieg, who formally announced his presidential candidacy earlier this week, has been making the talk show rounds in support of his candidacy.

Watch videos of the segment both above and below.

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