Maxine Waters Response To Death Threats: “If You Shoot Me You Better Shoot Straight”

Rep. Waters is NEVER scared.

By Shenequa Golding

Rep. Maxine Waters stood fearlessly Saturday (June 30) during the Families Belong Together immigration rally to tell her detractors she isn’t going anywhere, and she isn’t scared.

“I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me. All I have to say is this, if you shoot me you better shoot straight, there’s nothing like a wounded animal,” Waters said to a roaring crowd.

The seasoned representative addressed recent death threats she’s received after calling for protestors to confront Trump officials in public over the administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy. The California representative reportedly canceled a few events last week in Alabama and Texas after serious threats were made against her life .

Trump lambasted Waters last week and claimed the representative called for protestors to harm his supporters. In a statement to CNN, Waters doubled down on her beliefs of peaceful protest.

“As the president has continued to lie and falsely claim that I encouraged people to assault his supporters, while also offering a veiled threat that I should ‘be careful’, even more individuals are leaving (threatening) messages and sending hostile mail to my office,” Waters said.

Waters along with several other lawmakers have spoken out against the separating of immigrant families. The “Families Belong Together” march took place across America over the weekend after many children were separated from their parents.

This post Maxine Waters Response To Death Threats: “If You Shoot Me You Better Shoot Straight” first appeared on Vibe.