Master P Claps Back At Fat Trel, Jess Hilarious’ Claims Of Bad Business, Jess Responds

Master P took to Instagram on Wednesday (Feb. 22) to respond to Jess Hilarious and Fat Trel’s claims that he owes them money. The Rap Snacks entrepreneur posted two posts including a clip from 2013 featuring Trel and Alley Boy, the same era he worked with the two artists on their New World Order mixtape.

However, P claims he only worked with them on the NWO project, which dropped for free on LiveMixtapes that same year. According to the mogul, the project wasn’t for profit, so he doesn’t owe the men a thing. Speaking of Trel and AB, Master P used two different tones, honoring the latter as a “real G.”

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“We were ahead of our time, this was 2013 LV Mob, Alley Boy a Real G though and I Respect him to the end. We didn’t Pop back then because we didn’t have a Hit Record, we only had Street Records that didn’t cross over. I invested in this project, lost on it, and I still haven’t been able to make money from streaming. That’s one of the reasons why I got out of the music industry and into the product game. Product don’t talk back.”

“I wish Fat Trel the best. But he is owed nothing from me or my company. The only business we ever did was put out a free mixtape on in 2013, which is available to download for free today. We also put it on iTunes, which it didn’t [sell] because you could get it free from Livemixtapes,” he continued. “I covered the entire production costs, paid for flights, an apartment, and rental cars that were trashed and damaged. I’m the only one that made a financial investment in this project and took a loss. And I have receipts to prove it. Everyone that was around us at that time knows the truth. Since then, he signed with Rick Ross and then went to prison over ten years ago. Now y’all know the truth! Let’s see what media sites going to have integrity and do the right thing.”

He then shifted his attention to Jess and addressed her claims that he owes her money for her appearance in I Got The Hook Up 2. Miller used an additional post to assert that he has “receipts” of her contract and even took aim at “cowards hiding behind their computers.”

“I love Jess, and I know she was just cracking jokes because she signed her contract and got paid what she was owed for I Got The Hook Up 2 but if she tryna squeeze me for another 10k, she got that.”

“For the cowards hiding behind their computers enforcing fake news, I do have [Jess’] contract from 5 years ago for I Got The Hook Up 2 and the copy of the check that was cashed and paid. She was joking about a second check that was never in her contract. That’s the narrative they ran with for clickbait and fake headlines. Thank God for receipts!”

To conclude, Miller, 52, then spoke of media outlets that report on news and don’t “research these stories.” Regardless, the businessman said he would “keep doing the right thing.”

“It’s sad how the media glorifies negativity and don’t even research these stories. But all we do for the kids in the community barely get a mention. Y’all go ahead and keep promoting us against us. I’m just gonna keep pushing legit products, keep doing what’s right, and educating our people because all my blessings come from God anyway.

“One thing about the truth it can’t be changed & It Will Always Come to Light. What they meant for harm, God will use for good. I’m going to Keep doing the right thing, that’s why bigger blessings Keep coming.”

Hilarious caught wind of the No Limit founder’s comments and responded as a guest host of The Breakfast Club on Thursday (Feb. 23).

“You think out of everybody, I’m gonna come after you for clickbait and fake headlines? I don’t have to do that,” she sneered. “He playing around with me, I never said it was a second check, it was money paid upfront, and then it was supposed to be another $15,000. I didn’t get the other half of my money. Stop playing with me like this was ‘check one, check two.’ No.”

She then added that Romeo Miller, who also starred in the movie as Johnny Miller, “allegedly” wasn’t paid for his work on the film either.

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