'The Masked Singer' Revealed Gamer Ninja As The Ice Cream, But Not Everyone Recognized Him

The premiere of this seasons "The Masked Singer" revealed one of the celebrities was a gamer known as Ninja. Arguably, he is the most famous person on this season, but some of the reactions are asking who in the world he actually is...

Ninja performed a rendition of Lil Nas X's hit 'Old Town Road' and right away Twitter exploded with guesses that the man behind the mask was Ninja.

Only issue, only young people know who Ninja is.

Half the reactions were things like, "I don't know who 'Ninja' is."

And others like, "I don’t know this Ninja person."

The reason: Some of us are OLD!

Ninja is one of the biggest celebrities of this generation. He is the most famous gamer to ever turn on a computer. Ninja, plays a game called 'Fortnite,' which he is so good at, and so many people watch him play it, he reportedly earned $10 Million last year.

To make the point, on the show they mentioned how many streams Ninja collects on Twitch, a service where he broadcasts his games. But, gamers and young people reacted to the comment on Twitter because Ninja recently jumped ship to Microsoft's product, Mixer.

For the record, he has over 1.8 BILLION streams.

In the end, people who knew him loved it, and several reactions on social media were proud fans who are glad the mainstream television shows are finally giving credit where credit is due. Gamers are huge celebrities period.