Marvel Producer Says Fantastic Four Will Embrace Source Material

Even with Phase 5 kicking off within days, anticipation for Phase 6 is already in motion at Marvel. One of the films on the slate for Phase 6 is Fantastic Four. Although John Krasinski briefly played Reed Richards in Multiverse of Madness, the new film will mark the formal induction of Richards, Sue Storm, Ben Grimm, and Johnny Storm in the MCU. Casting and plot details are under wraps. However, Marvel producer Stephen Broussard revealed that Fantastic Four will embrace and follow the source material from the comics.

“I wouldn’t presume to know everything about that film; I’m not necessarily working on it,” said Broussard. “But one of the founding principles of Marvel, going back to Iron Man and the casting of Tony that I think has resonated through today, is to embrace the source material and these comics that have been around forever. They’re older than me, and I’m guessing they’re older than you too. They’ve been around for a while for a reason, [so we] lean into that.”

RELATED: Marvel’s Fantastic Four Reboot Starts Filming Next Year

When Fantastic Four hits theaters, it will have been almost two full decades since the team’s first big-screen outing premiered in 2005. The original film came out three years before the MCU launched in 2008 with Iron Man. Marvel has since mastered the superhero formula on their way to becoming the highest-grossing film franchise of all time. And knowing what the studio knows now about its audience and the comic book genre as a whole, Broussard feels the reboot will be put in a better position to succeed.

“In 2005, maybe there was a reticence to fully embrace what it was,” continued Broussard. “In everything; in the embodiment of Galactus and things like that. Whatever form the story takes, whatever characters do or do not appear, that founding principle will be embraced and will welcome them into the MCU.”

Fantastic Four arrives in theaters on February 14, 2025.

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Recommended Reading: Fantastic Four: Full Circle

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