Martin Sheen Does Brando's 'Apocalypse Now' Speech on 'Anger Management' (Video)

FX offered critics a preview of Martin Sheen's upcoming turn on his son's "Anger Management," in which he recreates part of Marlon Brando's "are you an assassin?" speech from "Apocalypse Now."

Martin Sheen co-starred in the film, and brought a young Charlie Sheen to the Phillipines, where it was filmed. Charlie Sheen said at a panel of the Television Critics Association summer press tour that he still considers it "the greatest movie ever made."

"Apocalypse Me," was Charlie Sheen's title for a planned autobiography, but he says he has "shitcanned" plans to write it.

Also read: 'Louie' Gets 4th Season; Martin Sheen May Join 'Anger Management'

The scene shown to critics Saturday finds both Sheens drinking at a bar, while Brett Butler's bartender character flirts with the elder Sheen. He does some impersonations, including James Cagney, and his son urges him to do Brando in "Apocalypse Now."

"Anger Management" producer Bruce Helford said the scene was entirely ad-libbed. It takes place in the show's upcoming ninth episode, which airs next month.

The younger Sheen was loose and fast-talking throughout the panel. He was the least dressed-up star so far on the press tour, wearing shorts and loafers.

Asked what he learned last year, when he went on a series of benders, was fired from his show, and embarked on a national tour, Sheen said he would never repeat that part of his life.

"It was sort of like a dream I couldn't wake up from or a runaway train I couldn't get off of," he said.

One thing he learned from the experiece?

"Don't go on the road ... on a 21-city tour with no act."

He was asked if he thrives on chaos.

"I don't really look at it as chaos. I look at it as challeneges," he said.

Here's Brando's version of the monologue:

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