Martin Scorsese Sends an Enthusiastic Message to Fan Film Creator

Six years ago, Leandro Copperfield, a movie lover in Rio de Janeiro, made a heartfelt video tribute to his two favorite filmmakers, Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrick, juxtaposing clips of their work in a montage as a celebration of their peerless artistry. Earlier this month, he got the thrill of a lifetime when he heard back from one of his idols.

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In a video sent to Copperfield (and later uploaded by the amateur filmmaker to Vimeo), Scorsese both watches, and praises, Copperfield’s homage, stating “Just saw your montage you made of films I’ve made mixed with the master Kubrick and I found it really well done, surprising, and enjoyable. I was looking for more actually. I finally got the chance to see your work and I think it’s great.”

As one might expect, Copperfield was blown away by Scorsese’s enthusiastic feedback, writing (alongside the uploaded video):

This man was directly responsible for make me love Cinema and watch films in a different way since I was a child. Most of everything I know about movies and editing was mainly because of him. His passion and your extreme willingness to share knowledge is, for me, one of the most beautiful things in Cinema history.

So, there is no words to describe what this means to me.
Marty is the man! < 3

Copperfield’s once-in-a-lifetime experience shows that even the greatest living artists do eventually learn what’s being said about — and done to — their work online. And it also reconfirms that few filmmakers, past or present, are as generous, enthusiastic, and all-around cool as Martin Scorsese.

Related: Martin Scorsese’s Awesome Impression of Robert De Niro

You can watch the Taxi Driver and Goodfellas auteur’s message above, and see Copperfield’s original video below.