Mark Zuckerberg to Host Chris Christie Fundraiser

The founder of Facebook is doing more than just social networking with one of the country's highest-profile Republican governors: Mark Zuckerberg will host a fundraiser for New Jersey's Chris Christie at his Palo Alto, Calif., home next month.

The Facebook CEO met the Republican in 2010, when Zuckerberg donated $100 million to improve schools in Newark, Christie's strategist, Mike DuHaime, told TheWrap. Christie will attend the Feb. 13 fundraiser, DuHaime said.

A Facebook spokeswoman said in a statement to TheWrap that Zuckerberg and his wife have worked closely Christie on education reform in Newark.

"They admire his leadership on education reform and other issues and look forward to continuing their important work together on behalf of Newark's school children," the statement said.

Zuckerberg, who has also attended events with President Obama, first entered into the political sphere in the most recent election cycle. Facebook's corporate PAC leaned toward the GOP in the lead-up to the Nov. 7 vote, doling out $267,000 in contributions, with about 52 percent going to Republicans.

A Facebook spokeswoman did not immediately reply to a question from TheWrap about Zuckerberg's party registration, but it has been previously reported that he is unaffiliated.

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