Mark Hamill got Luke Skywalker in an online Star Wars Valentine's Day date quiz

Mark Hamill got Luke Skywalker in an online Star Wars Valentine's Day date quiz

I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue date you…

Mark Hamill is further complicating the already mixed-up world of Star Wars relationships (Luke kisses Leia! Now they’re siblings!) by dating — himself?!! On Tuesday, the beloved actor behind Star Wars hero Luke Skywalker shared his results from Buzzfeed’s “Which ‘Star Wars’ Character Will Be Your Valentine’s Day Date?”quiz , and he got Luke.


“I got: Luke Skywalker. Seriously. It might seem odd at first, but if I WAS dating myself, it would explain a LOT. # LukeLovesSkywalker,” he wrote, sharing a link to the romance-themed quiz.

And Hamill is right. It may sound odd, but if you think harder about it — and remember that the Jedi are supposed to remain celibate — it makes a perfect sort of sense. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Now the fan fiction writers and shippers of the world — okay, us too — all just waiting for Oscar Isaac, who played X-wing fighter pilot Poe Dameron, to take the quiz and get stormtrooper-turned-Resistance fighter Finn (John Boyega). #Stormpilot

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